Mope io
3,221 votes
Stan Tatarnykov
Last updated
20.11.2023 - the best game about evolution! At the beginning of the game Mope io and there is a choice by which of the two animals you will start playing - mouse or shrimp. Choose your favorite beast, and go up the food chain!
In Mope io, on the map, there are alternating zones of land with the ocean. Water species perfectly feel themselves in the ocean, but on land they quickly spend a stock of water. Water is usually more quickly pumped. The landlords feel fine on land and in a pond, but in there they slowly move. Any animal can dive in the ocean, and spit on land of water.
On the bottom of the game are two bands - small and large. A small bar is an indicator of the water of your character. If the moisture ends, death immediately. To avoid this, you must collect blue circles or go to the pond. If the road is long, then you can throw a piece of water on land and drink while traveling. A large band is an indicator of mass. Eat red circles - berries.
With a new level, you will be able to evolve in a game of into a larger specimen, water or land. As soon as you change your character - the diet will become more diverse. After the mouse or shrimp, you can become a rabbit. Then he can eat berries, mice and shrimp. The better the player is pumped, the more varied the diet.
Do not forget that you can become a victim of a beast of the highest rank, try not to fall for it. Dexterity, cunning and evolution will make you the winner in the game!