Gangsterzz io

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Gangsterzz io - a fun game about pirates. Fight a fierce battle for the world's greatest treasures and the right to call yourself  "the pirate King".
How to play
The combat goal in Gangsters and o is both a battle with a crowd of rivals and collecting gold. It lies simply on the field, hidden in gold chests and extracted from the corpses of defeated enemies. For this gold, you can buy yourself new, cooler characters and with them a more prestigious title in the pirate world.
Please note that as you fill your pockets with gold, the size of your pirate increases, and the weapon becomes longer. This gives a significant advantage in combat and increases the chances of winning. If you win, you will receive an additional reward.
Use different tactics of fighting - you can just click, and then you will shred opponents, or you can pinch the click, and hit when the weapon turns blue. This strong blow can knock out the opponent instantly. Health is restored when you increase the character and then a little, so take care of it. And the one who lives to the end will get all the money of the round!